The Mess That Rodents Make When They Get in Your House

This is a typical rodent control job that we come across working in Yavapai county. Pack Rats, Mice, Chipmunks, and Ground Squirrels love to get into our crawl spaces and attics if they can find an access point big enough for them to get their bodies through. Once they get in, they like to get into the insulation and make a mess and in some cases start to chew on the electrical wiring in the house.

The pictures provided give you a before and after look of a rodent clean-up job. Every job is different and always get a few good estimates before making your decision. Ask the technicians what it is they plan to do and see if the will provide you with before and after pictures for your own peace of mind. Not many homeowners want to crawl into these areas with us to see for themselves what’s going on, so a few simple shots with a camera can let you see.

Author: Kody

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